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                About WINCOM

                Guangdong WINCOM Flavors&Fragrances Co.,Ltd., founded in 1998, has been committed to the development and application of high-quality daily fragrances, food flavors, and oral care flavors, which is a research and development, production and sale of high quality flavor as one of the high-tech enterprises. WINCOM adheres to the corporate tenet of "Scientific Development & Excellence Pursuit “and the management idea of "Hand-in-hand Development & Honest Win-Win Cooperation". After 20 years of unremitting efforts, it has developed into a well-known and innovative ability in the Chinese fragrance and flavor industry Strong and influential brand enterprise.

                WINCOM Blending

                Stand on Nature.Fragrance

                The fragrance department of WINCOM has assembled excellent experts and passionate perfuments. From research and development to maturity, any fragrance of WINCOM must undergo constant positive feedback from fragrance and fragrance evaluation, running in until perfection, and the process must be efficient. We uphold high levels of creativity, expressiveness, and naturalness to create fragrances, and sustainably bring people unforgettable moments of cleaning, care, and fragrance.

                WINCOM Technology

                Careful and creative thinking to study. science

                WINCOM always adhere to "Safe ingredients, Leading technology, Excellent quality" as the basic concept of R & D products, will inherit the concept of natural plant extraction. We use advanced technology and scientific formula to produce high-quality, healthy and fashionable products, which are deeply loved by consumers.

                WINCOM Quality

                Keep improving.quality

                WINCOM has obtained ISO9001 and ISO22000 management system certification, the products are exported to the United States and European countries, fully in line with FDA and EEC (reach) standards.  WINCOM attaches great importance to technology, insists on research, and prevents fragrance art from becoming a part of the assembly line, and is committed to providing people with more character fragrance art.

                WINCOM Service

                Empowering industry. service

                WINCOM is the creator of high-quality flavors.

                Committed to providing customers with comprehensive fragrance and fragrance plan to create long-term value and potential growth for customers.

                WINCOM Customers

                All over the world. client

                WINCOM serves a number of well-known daily chemical and food enterprises.  Its business continues to expand, and carries out local, regional and even global cooperation with our customers, and its business has expanded to the United States, Russia, Germany, Spain, Italy, India, Thailand, Malaysia and other countries.


                Oral Care Flavor


                Product Categories


                From the creation of WINCOM

                Whether  it is natural or synthetic, WINCOM fragrance makers seek inspiration  from high-quality raw materials and are committed to creating exciting  and thought-provoking aroma.

                Oral Care Flavor

                From the creation of WINCOM

                From  traditional, popular to innovative types of oral fragrance, WINCOM is  extremely diversified, providing people with a confident experience.


                From the creation of WINCOM

                In  WINCOM, we create a rich flavor experience for nutritious food,  beverage, baking, cold drink, candy, seasoning, leisure food, etc., so  that consumers can enjoy it.

                • NO.1

                  Technology R & D Center

                  Equipped with international advanced R & D, analysis, testing, application and other equipment

                  Every year, WINCOM invests 8% of its income into research and innovation

                  The cross functional combination of perfumes, perfumes and application engineers provides a strong foundation for the development of WINCOM flavor.

                • NO.2

                  Applied Research Center

                  Strictly test all kinds of flavors

                  Strengthen the innovation of cross-border categories

                  Do a lot of basic research and stability tests on the application performance of the selected raw materials in various products.

                • NO.3

                  Manufacturing Center

                  According to the GMP standard, it has been designed and built, covering an area of 26000 tons and the annual production capacity is over 10000t. It has intelligent production process system and advanced production equipment, and implements information automation production management, which is a modern scale flavor and fragrance production base with large scale, advanced facilities, energy saving and environmental protection in China.

                • NO.4

                  Creative Market Center

                  Relying on the internationally renowned authoritative data system, the company carries out multi platform data integration, and quickly grasps the trend of global fragrance.

                  Through media, marketing grafting, terminal grafting, and cross-industry integration, a market-oriented joint operation plan is formed to continuously improve the market competitiveness of customers.

                • NO.5

                  Quality Management Center

                  Full implementation of the ISO9001 quality management system

                  WINCOM takes "Quality is the priority, making it better" as the quality principle; and‘’ Provide customers with 100% qualified products" as the ultimate goal.


                Technology R & D Center

                Equipped with international advanced R & D, analysis, testing, application and other equipment

                Every year, WINCOM invests 8% of its income into research and innovation

                The cross functional combination of perfumes, perfumes and application engineers provides a strong foundation for the development of WINCOM flavor.


                Applied Research Center

                Strictly test all kinds of flavors

                Strengthen the innovation of cross-border categories

                Do a lot of basic research and stability tests on the application performance of the selected raw materials in various products.


                Manufacturing Center

                According to the GMP standard, it has been designed and built, covering an area of 26000 tons and the annual production capacity is over 10000t. It has intelligent production process system and advanced production equipment, and implements information automation production management, which is a modern scale flavor and fragrance production base with large scale, advanced facilities, energy saving and environmental protection in China.


                Creative Market Center

                Relying on the internationally renowned authoritative data system, the company carries out multi platform data integration, and quickly grasps the trend of global fragrance.

                Through media, marketing grafting, terminal grafting, and cross-industry integration, a market-oriented joint operation plan is formed to continuously improve the market competitiveness of customers.


                Quality Management Center

                Full implementation of the ISO9001 quality management system

                WINCOM takes "Quality is the priority, making it better" as the quality principle; and‘’ Provide customers with 100% qualified products" as the ultimate goal.

                Innovative Technology Service

                Best Performance Product Application

                Personalized Customized Products

                Smell & Taste 's Perfect Experience

                WINCOM Fragrances·Your temperament designer


                Products are inspired by taste.
                Taste is based on the product.

                WINCOM makes the fragrance melt into the memory of the product. Inheritance · Keep fragrance forever.


                WINCOM through the creation of fragrance modulation, convergence of flavor essence, and modulates the style of your product.


                Type,Taste, Style

                Endow the brand personality charm for your product fragrance.

                Global Marketing Network

                WINCOM Branch Offices


                Guangzhou Science City Technology R & D Center


                Shanghai Technology R & D Center


                Guangdong Raoping Garden Industrial Park

                Latest trend information

                Exclusive Customization

                We are dedicated to providing you with the most intricate fragrance signature schemes for your product(s)

                Our specialist will get back to you as soon as possible!