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                Delicious Flavors Originated From The Creation Of WINCOM

                Natural Flavors

                Stemming from health concerns, consumers are placing more and more emphasis on natural and organic directions in their diets.

                More consumers tend to purchase products with natural ingredients for their preference on a cleaner diet.

                On the consideration of the wave of trend, it is easier to capture the hearts of consumers by highlighting the natural and fresh aroma, as well as light and delicate taste of the products.

                Natural aroma is helping relieving, with the scent of original ecology, which could enrich the romance of spring, the warmth of summer, the valor of autumn and the coldness of winter.

                Aspirations of consumers for natural purity and the demand to reduce body burden had been deeply considered. Wincom actively explores and creates high-quality natural flavors, breaks through industry boundaries, to achieves a better and healthier life for human beings by means of modern science and technology, innovative raw material researches, process technology researches.

                Tea Beverage Flavors

                Chinese tea culture originated more than 2,000 years ago in the Han Dynasty. Along with the rapid rise of a series of national trend culture in recent years, young consumers have been driven to have a strong interest in Chinese elements, bringing development opportunities for new Chinese-style tea beverage. From the traditional loose leaf tea to the new trend of all kinds of exquisite mix beverage, all of it demonstrates the new upgrade of tea market diversification.

                Get rid of the stereotypical tea drinking image, young people like the new Chinese-style tea into a variety of scenes, become a habit of life.

                Categories of tea beverage, health-preserving effects, aroma and flavor of tea become a popular focus of tea consumption.

                For diversification of categories, the new encounter of tea drinking is represented by ready-to-brew tea beverages out of the circle, combined type of flower and fruit tea.

                For health-preserving effects, homology of medicine and food, pure health-preserving leads a healthy new life.

                For diversification of tea flavor, the dancing of taste buds become a new strategy for tea drinking consumption. Consumers could taste peach oolong, jasmine green tea, lemon black tea and other flavor tea and taste double flavor; Camellia sinens, Ceylon black tea, four seasons green tea and other minority tea base is gradually evolving into the popular choice.

                WINCOM insights the market by its unique data model, professionally captures the changes in consumer perceptions and demands,which could help to refine and upgrade the products. From new exploration of tea varieties, cross-border combinations of multiple categories, to innovative application solutions for ready-to-brew tea drinks, it is committed to becoming a strategic partner on the road of R&D innovation for customers, to jointly write a new chapter of Chinese tea.

                Milk Beverage Flavors

                Data indicates that per capita protein intake in China is still a big gap compared with the standard, the Chinese per capita protein intake is only about 40 grams, which is far below the needs of men 70-110g, women 65-90g calculated in accordance with the mainstream sports nutrition standards in Europe and the United States. There is still a lot of room for additions of high protein food. Label of dairy products as nutritional products, high protein, function plus has been branded in the hearts of consumers. The upgrading consumers' awareness of healthy diet brings more opportunities for the popularity of high-protein foods. As the rise of the new middle class with mainly the Post-80s and Post-90s, as well as the new generation of Post-95s and Post-00s, consumers are more concerned about health and self-perfection. They are willing to study dietary ingredients to maintain health and keep a better physical appearance, such as improving their immunity through high-protein food and beverages. The nutritional content of dairy products would provide consumers a natural sense of security and keep dairy innovation up to date with a more competitive taste and flavor in the market. By utilizing the market-oriented data deposited over the years, WINCOM accurately analyzed consumer and market demand to provide customers with one-stop dairy flavor solutions and continuously empowers customer output.

                Fruit Flavors

                Fruit flavors provided by WINCOM is leading position in the field of edible flavors in China.

                The prospective study of special flavoring, the breakthrough innovation of fragrance type, the diversified experience of fragrance and the strength of application technology have all contributed to the king-like confidence of WINCOM in fruit flavoring.

                Whether it is the many new tea-based drink customers in the hot track, or the customers in the booming ready-to-brew industry, all of them are the endorsement of WINCOM's strength. We take the initiative to create opportunities to offer our customers heart-warming and profound aromas and bring them aromas that exceed expectations.

                A solid foundation for our products have been built by leading from R&D; we strive for survival by quality to provide customers with quality products; we seek development by innovation and repeatedly lead the industry trend. We take pride in our customers and reach strategic alliances, with deep business connection in series, long-term win-win cooperation and mutual achievements.

                In the future, we will continue to combine our iconic edible flavor products and innovative technologies to collaborate with our customers, which intend to lead the industry trend and create a good story in the industry.

                Plant Protein Flavors

                "Veganism" is gradually becoming a trend and fashion, and "VEGAN" diet is constantly being mentioned and promoted. For health reasons, some consumers may have category migration. While the health can be ensured, it also can reduce the intake of animal food, through alternative diet to regulate the body. Plant-based products with high protein, 0 cholesterol and low saturated fatty acid content are good alternatives.

                "Vegan" also need to play a fancy.

                In addition to the common soy and nuts, plant-based ingredients are gradually being tapped into the trend of ingredients such as oats, potatoes and so on. In order to meet the health, how to better meet the flavor and taste? This is inseparable from the mature application of fragrance ingredients, the recognition of market trends, and the development of flavor technology.

                WINCOM has an exclusive data system for multi-platform data integration to quickly grasp the global trend dynamics. Based on flavor research and product development based on  preferences of user taste, we quickly reach our customers to form marketable affiliate solutions and continuously improve the market competitiveness of our products for customers.

                Bakery Flavors

                Mellow wheat flavor, rich milk flavor, soft texture, dense texture, natural ingredients, natural original flavor, is a consistent common claim for bakery products. Where is the innovation tipping point? We are good at looking into the future, collecting feedback from the market, forecasting trends, researching flavors, with young and fashionable product matrix style, which can stimulate vitality, renew the circle, capture the young consumer group. Therefore, the more possibilities and opportunities could be created.

                Candy Flavors

                How to successfully break the circle of confectionery products?

                Post-90s generation had accelerated health preservation on the agenda, while a number of functional food companies to meet the corresponding needs also follow up short and fast. For a while, products that are anti-sugar and anti-oxygen, calm and sleepy, improve intestinal environment, supplement multivitamins, and containing edible grade hyaluronic acid have become the new social currency for young people.

                For the candy category, how to keep the freshness of young consumers that needs to be dug deep. Candy is endowed with a young soul, so that it can understand young people to play with them. In the cross-border functional food field, candy efficacy claim refinement, consumption scene diversification, taste and texture segmentation. We customize unique flavor application solutions according to different efficacy, so that the product taste and functional attributes co-construct the perception of consumer.

                Snack Food Flavors

                Young people are snacking for expressing emotions, beating boredom and indulging in fun, which is the key drivers of snacking consumption growth. The deep practical significance of snacking can highlight the social attributes as a lubricant for interpersonal relationships.

                Betel nut, succeed to cigarettes, alcohol and coffee, has become the darling of the male social circle, refreshing and refreshing, chewy and revitalizing, providing the mouth with a dual experience of sweetness and stimulation.

                Betel nut flavor of WINCOM is deeply cultivated, with health as the central concept, following the trend, combined with medicinal and food ingredients, adhering to the concept of upgrading innovative research and development, and striving to meet the new experience of health and vitality of consumers, aiming to create a wonderful taste in line with the current needs of consumer preferences.